Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Pope and Us

Pastor’s Corner

So the Pope doesn’t think we are true Christians.

Apparently this is news and bad news to some folks. Me, I’m less concerned about the Pope than I am about whether Christ recognizes us as part of the true Church. That, I believe, is the only question on the table, and one that we should always be skeptical about because of the seriousness of human sin and its ability to lead the church away from its one and only true calling, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The Pope spoke about apostolic succession, noting that we Protestants are not true Christians, because we do not follow the chain of custody of the Gospel from Cardinal to bishop to priest, all the way back to Peter: A laying on of hands from one priest to the other without interruption. Protestants have never believed that this laying on of hands was necessary for the church to be the church.

What is more alarming than apostolic succession is whether a church, any church, is the bride of Christ: Whether we are so wed to Christ as to be eternally focused upon him in love and adoration, sharing his love with glee and wonder.

Many have criticized the Pope for excluding members of the Christian union (Protestants) by his statement.

What we should be more critical of is whether we are personally excluding people from union with Christ because of our lukewarm sharing of His good news.
Just some musings from your protestant (not priest) pastor,


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