Saturday, October 27, 2007

Donate to our Living Waters for the World project

Hey folks,

Would you like to contribue to our Living Waters for the World trip online? Here is your opportunity.


Further conversations with our recent Missionary, Nuhad Tomeh

Would you like to continue talking with Nuhad? You can email him.


Living Waters for the World

Hey Folks,

If you missed the video about Living Waters for the World, here it is. Please continue to pray for this ministry and consider being a part of it. A reminder that we are challenging each member of the church to give $50 to this ministry before the end of the year.


Volunteer Opportunity

Hey Folks,

Nuhad Tomeh shared an opportunity to volunteer with Presbyterian Churches in Damascus. Here it is. If anyone is interested, please come by and talk with me,

Damascus Summer Encounter

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Nuhad's Visit

GPC hosts Nuhad Tomeh, Missionary to Lebanon

It has been such a blessing to have Nuhad with us these last few days. I hope everyone has had an opportunity to sit down with him and talk about mission work and the work of the PCUSA in the Middle East.

Tuesday, Nuhad went out with Karen's church to see some of the volunteer mission work going on post Katrina... and ended up lending a hand.

The Lord's blessing,


Monday, October 15, 2007

Sunday, October 14th 2007

The sermon from yesterday's service: "Tearing down walls," is now available online. Also, keep our Wednesday evening service in your prayers and consider making it a part of your week. We meet at 6:30.

Grace and Peace,

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sermon from Sunday, September 30th

Well folks,

I've finally managed to upload the final sermon in our Evangelism Worship Series. This sermon focuses on the Great Commission. Give it a listen.

(Unfortunately, the dog ate my latest sermon (October 7th).... and that's my story.... Alas, it will never make it to the Web).



Monday, October 8, 2007

Pastor Chris' Blog

This is my church blog. I hope to share a bit of what's going on at GPC every now and then and encourage posts to this blog, to answer questions, or get feed back. Blessings,Chris