Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Fish Fry and Silent Auction

Hey Folks!

Here are some pictures from Sunday Night's Fish Fry! A wonderful occasion. A big thank you to Bruce Maghan for fryin' up the catfish and Brandy Meenink for organizing the Silent Auction. I believe we raised about $2,000 for the Building fund from the auction and the rummage sale on Saturday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sunday's fish fry and the silent auction went very well and was alot of fun.But to me just being with my Church family,friends is truly a sweet blessing. 6/13/07

Pastor Chris' Blog

This is my church blog. I hope to share a bit of what's going on at GPC every now and then and encourage posts to this blog, to answer questions, or get feed back. Blessings,Chris