Thursday, June 28, 2007

Pastor Chris at Montreat

Okay folks, I'm ought'a here for about week. My family and I are headed to Montreat for the Christian Life Conference. Keep us in your prayers! We love you!


Monday, June 25, 2007

Chris's Sermon: Youth and Wisdom

Here is the MP3 of yesterday's service. The service as well as the sermon focused on Teenagers.


Hey Folks,

We are getting ready for our VBS this July: Avalance Ranch. We will be saddling up July 16th - 20th from 8:30-11:30. Get the word out, ya' hear!

Montreat Christian Life Conference

Hey Folks,

Just to let you know... My wife, Noah and I will be heading up to Montreat this Friday for the
Christian Life Conference. We are really excited to be going to this conference. Its title is: “Empowered by the Spirit.” I just like being in Montreat as well. It is good for my soul. We will return on Friday, July 7th.


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Overview of the Bible: A New Bible Study

  1. I will be leading a new Wednesday Night Bible Study starting the second week of July. It starts at 5:00 and is followed by a small dinner and then Vespers.
What do we have to gain from those long Old Testament sections on the law? What about all that history? What can we learn from Paul's letters to the church in the New Testament? By introducing each of the major sections of Scripture, this guide helps us gain perspective on the whole message of God's Word.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Remembering our Baptismal Covenant

If you happened to miss our Worship Service yesterday, it is now available online.
Blessings, Chris

Prayer List

Hey Folks,

We now have a prayer list blog. This is a good way to see who we are lifting up in prayer this week. If you would like to add to the list, email us here at the church.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Food Pantry

Wow, what an exciting morning at the Food Pantry.

There were so many people here! Church members (including six youth/children) and volunteers, and then, we guestimate, over 100 customers to the pantry--a lot of them new ones.

If you have not come and helped out, I really encourage you to do so.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Fish Fry and Silent Auction

Hey Folks!

Here are some pictures from Sunday Night's Fish Fry! A wonderful occasion. A big thank you to Bruce Maghan for fryin' up the catfish and Brandy Meenink for organizing the Silent Auction. I believe we raised about $2,000 for the Building fund from the auction and the rummage sale on Saturday.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Sermons on the Website.

Hey Folks,

I am now able to post my sermons on the web. Here is this weeks: The Joy of Children.

Chris' Family???

Some questions have been asked about my relatives.... Maybe this will clear the matter up a little?

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Hey Folks!

The Rummage Sale today was excellent! We made over $1,000 on the day for the building fund. Brandy and Dick Meenink, Jo Talbot, Kitty Ely, Joyce Chivers, Dick Poole, and many, many more folks worked very hard on this event.
Make sure you're around for tomorrow's Catfish Fry at 4:00.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

"The Chapters of Life" Worship Series

Hey Folks,

Just a note: We will begin a Worship Series this Sunday, entitled: "The Chapters of Life." It will begin this Sunday with childhood: exploring our ministry to children. Our resource for this series is the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, from which we are pulling the title and a variety of other resources. Check out the series if you'd like.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Ultreya - Saturday, June 2nd

Man, what fun!
This last saturday, those of us who have attended a Cursillo event as a Pilgrim gathered at First Presbyterian Church, Pascagoula for a Potluck luncheon with music and a testimony.

Pastor Chris' Blog

This is my church blog. I hope to share a bit of what's going on at GPC every now and then and encourage posts to this blog, to answer questions, or get feed back. Blessings,Chris