Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rummage Sale

The Youth and their families raised over $500 today for their Summer Mission Trips with a Rummage Sale!

Rev. Chris Bullock

Thursday, November 13, 2008

PCUSA Health Unit comes to Gautier

The Presbyterian Church's Health Unit rolled into Gautier this morning to offer free screenings to everyone in our community, including our own members and people who come to our food pantry this morning. It has been a very busy morning!

Rev. Chris Bullock

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Clean up Day: The Women of the Church

This monday, the women of the church cleaned up the entire mile of Highway 90 that we have adopted.

Rev. Chris Bullock

Pastor Chris' Blog

This is my church blog. I hope to share a bit of what's going on at GPC every now and then and encourage posts to this blog, to answer questions, or get feed back. Blessings,Chris