Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Men's work day

We will have a men's work day this Saturday! All fellas are welcome to join us at 8:00 a.m. to help out around the church.

From the Pastor

Psalm 133
When Brothers Dwell in Unity

Behold, how good and pleasant it is
when brothers dwell in unity!It is like the precious oil on the head,
running down on the beard,on the beard of Aaron,
running down on the collar of his robes! t is like the dew of Hermon,
which falls on the mountains of Zion!
For there the LORD has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.

I have surely experienced the Lord unifying presence these last few weeks. To be with so many of you at the Congregational Meeting on Saturday, May 12th was a blessing, and it was even more of a blessing to see us all working to sense God’s presence and guidance as we make big decisions about our future.

As I pray about our life together as a church, I am overwhelmed by the sense of Christ uniting us as one. I sense Christ calling us to look beyond the flesh, or to look inside each other, seeing that we are “a new creation in Jesus Christ,” and truly love one another and are bound together in Christ. (I find myself thinking of the words to “We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord….”).

In John 17, Jesus prays "for those who will believe in me …, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. … May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”

May the Lord bless you with His uniting presence and may He bless our church as one, that we might be a faithful witness to our community of God’s love.


Saturday, May 26, 2007

Seminar in San Francisco

Hey Folks,

I just returned from the Pastor's Transformation Seminar in San Francisco.
It was absolutely fantastic. We stayed at Villambrosa Retreat Center in Menlo Park (near Stanford University).

I was with about 40 pastors from around the country who were all there to learn how to help their churches find renewal. One of the highlights was visiting Mission Bay Community Church (PCUSA) in the Mission Bay district of San Francisco.

I feel renewed and strengthed in the Spirit.

I come back ready to preach this Pentecost Sunday and to continue working to build up our church in peace, healing and unity.

The Lord's Blessing,

Pastor Chris' Blog

This is my church blog. I hope to share a bit of what's going on at GPC every now and then and encourage posts to this blog, to answer questions, or get feed back. Blessings,Chris